
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Nuclear And Radiological Security Culture: A Post-Seoul Summit Agenda

This report is based upon the proceedings of the workshop “In Search of Sustainable CBRN Security Culture” organized by the Center for International Trade and Security at the University of Georgia (CITS/UGA). This three day event, held in Athens, GA, on February 6‐8, 2012, was made possible by generous support from the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), the Stanley Foundation, and the UGA School of Public and International Affairs.

As the first of two reports resulting from the workshop, this report’s scope is limited to nuclear and radiological security culture. The rationale for its early release in March 2012 was to deliver the report in time for the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit. The second, more comprehensive report covering chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear areas will draw on some of the findings of the first report, and will be published later in 2012.

Both reports reflect the workshop objective of synthesizing the expertise accumulated by governments, industries, and academia into comprehensive and universally applicable best practice tools and models that would be based on shared principles and approaches in these four areas. Building a common architecture will enable countries that are lacking expertise in these fields to optimize the role of the human factor in dealing with risks and complying with their international obligations, including those under UNSCR 1540 (for more information about the workshop, see the Annex to the report).

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