A ceremony launching the first ever Masters Programme in Nuclear
Security was held on 18 April 2013 at the Reactor Institute of the Delft
University of Technology in the Netherlands, marking the growing
importance of security on the global nuclear agenda. Five other European
universities are also taking part in the programme: the University of
Oslo, the Technical University of Vienna, the Brandenburg University of
Applied Sciences, the National Centre for Scientific Research
"Demokritos" in Greece, and the University of Manchester Dalton Nuclear
Ten students are currently enrolled in the programme, under which they
will spend time or attend lectures at the participating universities in
the next 20 months. The syllabus is based on the 12 modules defined in
the IAEA's Educational Programme in Nuclear Security, which is a
publication under the IAEA Nuclear Security Series. The course
includes prevention and planning; detection of, and response to,
unauthorized access; theft; sabotage; and illegal transfer or other
malicious acts involving nuclear material, other radioactive substances
or their associated facilities. The Masters Programme aims to provide
nuclear security managers with the ability to effectively build
strategies and tactics within organizations to manage security hazards
and risks.
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Read the full story.